Saturday, November 22, 2008

Incarcerated in the Zoo

The celebration moves into full swing, as an apparent majority of the population seem to have received their wish - full Democrat control of government.

So the celebrating individuals now feel free to examine me and the shrinking number of people like me, trying to figure out how any reasonably intelligent human being could possibly be disappointed or even frightened as the Messiah prepares to take over the government.

For what it's worth, here's the perspective of this oddity from the Zoo.

First and foremost, my objection is moral.

The "Freedom of Choice Act" is a nightmare. Fortunately I don't have any daughters, because all parental consent laws regarding abortions for minors will be wiped off the books nationwide. As will waiting periods, counseling, and any other measures passed by the states in an attempt to offer alternatives to women who think they might want to vacuum their developing baby out of their womb. My tax dollars will be used to help poor women kill their unborn babies, and quite possibly the occasional baby born alive by mistake. Any and all public expression of opposition will be harshly prosecuted.

Gay Marriage is a direct assault on Christianity. Because the movement, at it's root, isn't about marriage at all. Gays can get together right this moment with a group of friends and make any promises, personal or contractual, they want. No, it's about telling Christians that we dare not breathe a word of the most mild suggestion that the behavior is wrong. And it's about forcing all employers through the force of law to provide benefits to same-sex partners. It's fundamentally about supressing freedom of thought, expression, and the right to hire and fire people based on a moral standard.

Universal Healthcare will kill the healthcare system. I do not disagree there's a massive problem with healthcare in our country, but the problem is high cost, not the lack of government control. If the government provides my healthcare, then they also can deny me healthcare. I want the problem of cost solved so healthcare is accessible, but the voters said they want the government to confiscate money from those who have and give to those who have not. I struggle to keep up with my own crippling healthcare costs, but the last thing I want is for the government to swoop in and rescue me with their new freedom-sucking plan.

Socialism is government control over the citizens' lives. It replaces the corporate fat cats with a new group of government bureaucrat fat cats, leaving everybody else worse off than they were under free enterprise. Because, you see, socialism sucks all incentive and work ethic out of the population. Why should I work my tail off to get the exact same government check as the guy next to me who is drunk most of the time and produces practically nothing? Socialism knocks the rich down several notches, but actually knocks everybody else down a few notches as well, all in the name of "fairness". But of course, don't dare peek at the lifestyles of the political party bureaucrats, who somehow manage to maintain lavish lifestyles for themselves.

We've already lost the country envisioned by our Founders. Congress ignores the constitution with impunity. And the Messiah President will soon stack the courts with judges who will make sure that can continue through the next two generations.

1 comment:

Syntropy said...


I don't agree with some of your views, but others I hold myself as well.

Socialism isn't government control over people's lives. That's totalitarianism you are thinking of. I believe there are aspects of socialism that are beneficial, however, unrestricted capitalism can be as destructive if not more. Total communism would "suck out the incentive and work ethic" from the working people, I totally agree. Advancement and constant self-improvement is what drives us, and to "equalize" everything is pretty stupid. However, with the direct opposite, which is free market unrestricted capitalism would end the same way overall, as those companies can't function without employees. The employees would then become no more than slaves, while the people in charge a larger paycheck. There is a safe place between the two extremes, and that is what we should strive for.

Gay marriage only conflicts with Christianity because most Christians think that people can only possibly ever be Christian. Homosexuality didn't start this century however, and as a matter of fact, it predates Christianity itself, as the ancient Greeks (before the Roman empire) had no qualms about homosexuality at all. That being said, the Christians (the ones I have met at least) also call that fact an attack against Christianity. That I think is insane. I'm not an atheist by any means, I just don't believe in using a religion as sword, shield, judge and jury. Your previous comment about people being free to advance or fail as they do still holds, and if they want to "fail" by doing what they want, then let them.

I don't think America is lost just yet. I may have my doubts about the new administration just as a lot of people do, but right now there is nothing America can do but sit, wait, and see. Maybe, just maybe, something good will come out of this.