Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Nothing New

Even though there isn't anything terribly earthshaking on my mind, blogger still beckons me to write something. So, how about a collection of random ideas?

The Pacers did a nice job fighting through to win the series against Boston, but then turned around and laid an egg in their first game of round 2 against Detroit. They looked tired and sluggish last night. But can they recover a-la Boston and still win the series? It seems doubtful.

I can't believe they are still arguing about the whole filibuster business in the Senate over confirmation of judges. I've tried to figure out why the Democrats are blocking Bush's judges, and although they claim it's because they are "radical", the reality is that they are the opposite. Perhaps the most egregious sin of any of them is if they're Christians. So there are two very simple conclusions; 1. They're paranoid about Bush's judges maybe overturning Roe v. Wade, and 2. They just want to block Bush from appointing any high-court judges in hopes that their own president can send in their own in a few years.

And both sides argue points that are basically correct but sound contradictory. When the Democrats say they are simply trying to protect an age-old practice that helps the minority wield influence in important matters, what they are leaving out is that the filibuster has never been used to block judicial nominees before. When the Republicans say there is no precedent for filibustering judicial nominees, what they are leaving out is that they blocked some of Clinton's judges by simply keeping them from getting out of committee.

Here's what I think. Go ahead and keep the filibuster. But make the Democrats use it if they object to a particular judge so vociferously. Give the filibustering senator the floor for as long as he/she wants, but make it clear that there will be no breaks. When the filibustering senator has to pee, gets tired, or loses voice, their time is over and the vote is next. No business will be brought to the Senate floor until the judge being presented is voted on.

Very simple. I have no clue why they don't just go ahead and turn over the floor to the filibusters until it runs its course.

I miss football. Arena football doesn't do it for me. I'm ready for the Colts, Notre Dame, even IU to get started again.

Congratulate me. I just became President of Cornerstone One, Inc. Now, if that company ever makes a name for itself, that might just mean something.

My high school class reunion (yes, it's #30) is this summer. I think I'll skip it this year. Once a decade is plenty.

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