Wednesday, September 22, 2004

News Nirvana

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the term "investigative journalist" was no longer an oxymoron?

Let's just imagine for a moment a world where journalists really had the integrity to report the news, interview all relevant sources, and give the public full disclosure without adding their own perjoratives. Just think how it would benefit all of us if, say 60 Minutes, did the following stories:

"Did President Bush Lie to get us into the Iraq war?": A story that actually interviews the Dem's making the charge and asks them 'tough' questions like, "What evidence do you have to show us that the president lied, what specific lies did he tell, and how do they invalidate the decision that was made to remove Saddam Hussein?" Then examine the actual facts to find out if there is any evidence to support the claim.

"Are the Swift Boat Veterans Lying about John Kerry?": A story that interviews all of those in the Swift Vets group about their specific observations and experiences with Kerry in VietNam, a review of all available documentation from the time, and interviews with Kerry himself.

"Did President Bush Steal the 2000 Election?": A story about the Florida recount(s), the court challenges, the eventual outcome, what specific voters were "disenfranchised" and how, and the results of the unofficial recounts done by news organizations after the fact.

"Haliburton - Proof of Corruption?": A story that examines once and for all Haliburton's contracts and Iraq involvement, and whether any evidence exists to support Dem claims it's corruption.

"Kerry - consistent or flip-flopper?": Examine John Kerry's Senate voting record and public statements and air answers to everyone's questions about what he really believes.

"Farenheit 911 - Documentary or Fiction?": An honest analysis of Michael Moore's movie that actually breaks down what's truth, lies, and propaganda.

and my favorite topic: "Media Bias": A story about the three broadcast network news organizations, the cable news channels, the political leanings of their reporters, and how often biased reports are aired and whether those reports lean to the left or right.

For a truly balanced and objective treatment of these and many other stories, I know I'd watch, and I'll bet lots of other Americans would as well. Given the truth on these and related important topics, I wonder how it would affect the outcome of the upcoming election? I have a pretty good guess.

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