Monday, February 11, 2013

Fuzzy Thinking

Obamacare is going to fall on its face before it gets fully started.  Because the government itself has just realized that the numbers don't work - and will never work.  Without dealing with the biggest driver of the problem - spiraling costs - a government based solution simply can't work.

Millions are set to lose their insurance coverage by the end of this year.  At the same time, those who toe the line and buy insurance from the "exchange" will pay $20K for the insurance alone, plus another $10-15K on out-of-pocket medical expenses.  Those numbers are real, just ask me. 

Doctors won't be there to provide the care anyway.  HHS is driving General Practitioners out of business by slashing their reimbursement rates for Medicare and Medicaid patients.  On purpose.  The Catholic hospitals will be gone as well, unless the courts step in and rule the free contraceptives mandate unconstitutional.

The best healthcare in the world will become the worst by next year.

But the fuzzy thinking liberal chooses to ignore the facts.  Their feelings are more important than inconvenient facts, and their feelings tell them that Obamacare is a compassionate attempt to get medical care to those who don't have insurance.  As if they are shut out of medical care today.  These liberals who support Obamacare are members of two camps:  The ignorant who bought the party line that the law is compassionate, and the power-hungry legislators and bureaucrats who lust after the power to control the people to their own benefit.

I guess the fuzzy thinking applies to every other liberal cause.  Like these:

Giving taxpayer benefits to people simply for their aberrant sexual behavior.
Offering generous checks to the unemployed so they can remain unemployed as long as they wish.
Dismantling the military because they find it distateful.
Pretending that their out-of-control spending will be solved by taking another 5% out of the pockets of the "rich".
Passing "hate crime" laws, because what the criminal was thinking when he killed, maimed, or raped somebody should determine his sentence, not the heinousness of the crime itself.
Legalizing drugs for "recreational" use, because addicts aren't hurting anybody.  The "war on drugs" is a waste of time anyway. (Tell all the victims of crime perpetrated by drug addicts that)
Government exists to take care of its people.  They're so much smarter than everyone else, don't you see.  People are too stupid and helpless to make their own decisions, and need a wise leader like Obama to direct their poor miserable lives.

There are many other examples.  America is repeating history, just like the Romans who destroyed themselves from within.  If only a true leader would appear to wake the country up.  Even if such a leader were out there somewhere, the Democrat-controlled Press would chew him up and spit him out, while the ignorant masses follow along happily to their doom.

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