Friday, June 15, 2012

Glimpsing Truth

Recently the president's been giving us a glimpse of his true philosophy of government, which he went to great pains to conceal during his last campaign.  It started with his statement that was later called a gaffe, that the private sector is doing just fine and it's the public sector that needs help.

It wasn't a gaffe if he meant what he said, and all the proof we need that he meant it is his explanation.  He's spent the rest of the week after making the head-scratching comment expounding on it, not refuting it.

In Obama's world, government is supreme.  Private economic activity exists only as the money tree that funds those government workers he values most.  Obama's solution to the sour economy is to hire more teachers, cops, firefighters, and presumably all the other government professions.

Which points out another interesting part of his philosophy.  In America, the Federal Government has nothing to do with teachers, cops, and firefighters.  None of those folks work for Washington, but for their local communities that raise the funds to hire them, train them, and pay their salaries. 

So now we know another fact about Obama's philosophy.  In his world, the Federal Government reigns supreme, and local governments must be trumped by the Feds.  Because the omnipotent federal government, led by the secularist Messiah Himself, is much wiser, more caring, and better managers than any state, county, or city.

The positive outcome of all this is it finally helps us understand the stark difference between the Republican and Democrat candidates.  One wants to de-emphasize the federal government and promote the private sector, while the other wants to bankrupt the nation by hiring armies of government functionaries.  Which is more likely to result in economic recovery?

The answer is obvious to all but the ignorant and brainwashed.

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