Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Played for Fools

The bizarre events of the past couple of weeks served as proof of my operating theory that the President and his party rely heavily on public ignorance and dishonest demonization of their opponents to keep power.

There was a strong and growing outrage throughout the country when Obama and Kathleen Sebelius announced that all organizations, including faith-based schools and hospitals, must offer in their health insurance plans provisions for free contraceptive coverage, which includes chemical abortions.

People were beginning to understand that the issue created by these mandates wasn't the relative merits of contraceptions, but the violation of the first and most important constitutional principle of our country's founding; The freedom from government intrusion into matters of faith.

So the Obama machine decided to counter with a campaign of misinformation designed to present a false narrative painting the religious right as uncaring Taliban types who would deny women access to critical healthcare services. Initially, Rick Santorum was their straw target, because he has been unwavering in refusing to abandon his personal faith or adherence to Catholic teachings. They tried to extend that moral stand to a false meme accusing Santorum of intending to outlaw all artificial birth control should he become President.

That may or may not have been gaining traction, but then Rush Limbaugh stepped into their trap with both feet. The trap was laid with the law student from Georgetown, an previously unknown Planned Parenthood activist named Fluke, who was given a podium by Senate Democrats to advocate for the Obama mandate by presenting a false argument suggesting contraceptives were too expensive for college students.

Rush sprung that trap by analyzing her rhetoric to suggest any woman spending $3,000 per year as Fluke was claiming had to be having sex more often than could be imagined. Therefore, by extension, Fluke must be a sex-obsessed woman, and he used common slang terms our culture commonly uses to describe women of such loose and easy sexual behavior.

The trap was sprung, as all her Democratic supporters immediately expressed outrage that Rush would use such terrible and insulting language to attack the poor Georgetown student. All of a sudden, the core issue faded into the background and morphed into a caricature tying Rush to all other conservatives who are mean, judgemental, and medieval in their sexual attitudes.

Clearly, this mandate and many others packaged into Obamacare will suppress Americans' access to healthcare as well as impinge on our freedoms. Our religious freedoms and economic freedoms are being destroyed by this president, which is the real problem being obscured today.

Beginning next year, employers who cannot in good concience be accessories to the destruction of children through chemical abortion will have 3 choices:
1. Refuse to offer those drugs or abortion services to their employees and refuse to acknowledge the fines from HHS. The larger organizations will be bankrupted by the fines if their acts of civil disobedience fail. The Catholic bishops are united against the policy, and are willing to suffer imprisonment before giving in.
2. Drop health insurance altogether. Obamacare's fines for organizations who simply drop all coverage are much lower than those that would be levied for refusing to add these coverages to existing plans. Then the employees would be forced to go to Obama's "Exchanges" and buy their own policies, which of course cover the mandated services.
3. Close the doors. Rather than fighting, some organizations may simply close down rather than knuckle under to these fascist policies. Some believe this was one of the objectives of Obamacare in the first place, closing down all private healthcare and education institutions as soon as possible, because the Left has a goal of removing all such institutions from the private realm and replacing them with universal government-run institutions.

The only way these can be rolled back is through the November elections. Obamacare will not be repealed unless Obama is defeated and Republicans take 60 seats or more in the Senate. Replacing Obama is inexplicably a 50-50 proposition today, and Senate control looks impossible. All because far too many are easily manipulated by false narratives such as this one, too many like having the government provide their living and will vote to keep the checks coming, or are Marxist true believers who are cheering Obama on in his agenda to destroy America and transform it into a Socialist Republic.

Those of us who still have faith and a brain must pray without ceasing for a miracle, because that's our only hope of bringing America back to a free and prosperous society.

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