Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Simplest Constitutional Question

With the latest ruling in Virginia declaring the health insurance purchase by all citizens under Obamacare unconsitutional, the only question should be why it took so long. The ruling is simple and evident.

If the feds can force us to buy health insurance, then why can't they also force us to:

Purchase an electric vehicle
Replace our Coal, Oil, or Gas furnace with Solar Panels
Stop buying things they think are bad for us, like soft drinks and french fries
Apply for permission to travel out of our state
Give up our home and move if the house is bigger than they think we should have

Wait 6 months to a year for the surgery that can save our life, while we hope we can live that long?

No, this isn't a stretch. Obamacare is the definition of government oppression and tyranny.

It needs to be ended, now.

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