Thursday, September 23, 2010

Missing the Point

It seems like most everybody's missing the point. It's sort of disappointing, because those missing the point are the ones who are being hurt most by everything that's happening.

What point am I talking about?

Well, primarily it's morality. But it's also common sense.

What's better for everyone -

Being sensitive to gay people's feelings or securing the country against its enemies?

Rewarding and honoring those who behave irresponsibly and neglect the next generation, or rewarding the nuclear family, from which come the most responsible and productive citizens?

Confiscating hard-earned dollars from people who work to give it to people who dont?

Disrespecting Christians and making sure all our students are converted to the religion of Atheism, or honoring our First Amendment freedoms that built the foundation of solid families and honorable citizens?

Trying to impose goverment control over every aspect of our lives, including what we can eat, drive, where we live, and what we can do with our own property; or giving us the freedom to live our lives as we choose without bureaucratic interference?

Are business people to be regarded as greedy money-grubbers who abuse the poor, or the engine of a vibrant economy who need to be encouraged to innovate and expand?

Hasn't anybody these days read anything about the fall of the Roman Empire? History is indeed repeating itself.

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