Thursday, December 03, 2009

Clueless or Dishonest

Turned on CNN when I got in tonight. First thing on was Obama, saying:

"We are trying to figure out how to get companies hiring again."

My jaw dropped, because everybody with half a brain knows the answer to that is very simple. The companies I consult with every day can't be more clear about the simple solution. Want to get them hiring again?

Announce that "Healthcare Reform" is going to be pulled back, at least temporarily until the economy gets back on it's feet.

Drop Cap & Trade altogether.

Extend the Bush tax cuts a couple more years.

Only a fool or a dishonest politician would try to sell "green jobs" and healthcare reform and cap & trade and across-the-board tax increases and stifling regulation and new restrictions on energy development and cash for clunkers and cash for caulkers and stimulus for ACORN and printing billions of new dollars and selling the country to China and unprecedented boondoggling and out-of-control pork-barrel spending and all the rest as good for the economy.

I've gotta assume it's dishonesty and not cluelessness. But either is not good for any of us "regular" folks.

Hey, Barry: We "regular" folks don't want a government healthcare program or massive taxes to solve a fake global climate change crisis. We just want good jobs so we can take care of ourselves and our families without your big-brother government butting in.

But you know all that, don't you.

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