Monday, June 25, 2007


Radical is hardly a word I'd use to describe myself, but apparently those in power would use that precise label.

Apparently these things make me a radical.

I think our borders and immigration laws should be enforced. (gasp!)

I believe in freedom of religion and freedom of expression.

I believe that most abortion procedures are barbaric infanticide and are primarily used to help women avoid the inconvenience of raising (or offering for adoption) a child.

I think that if health insurance was eliminated for all but major medical surgery and hospitalization, other doctor and medication fees would become affordable. I also think that the best way to really wreck the healthcare system is to let the government run it.

I think that official recognition of gay marriage is designed to criminalize religious organizations that refuse to stop discriminating against homosexuals.

I think that neither Republicans nor Democrats represent the best interests of the American people who supposedly elected them. Instead, Republicans represent big business and Democrats represent the tyranny of repressive socialism.

I think the energy legislation just passed does nothing to solve the energy or environmental problems of the country. Instead, it enriches biofuel producers, will make trucks and suv's so scarce that the used market for such vehicles will explode, and benefits nobody but congresspersons and their best patrons.

I think the only way to win the war in Iraq, or for that matter, the war on Terror, is to turn the military loose. Ruthless and effective projection of power is the only way to defeat terrorism.

See what I mean? Radical.

I'm right. But right is radical these days.

1 comment:

N said...

the new energy legislation is HORRIBLE. picture clear-cut forests, endless fields of ultra-low quality corn, and corn on the cob on the shelf next to caviar, and the picture gets clear.

not to mention the niggling detail that 35 mpg is not just high... it's astronomical for any kind of a work vehicle.

the obvious solution for car manufacturers is to make 2 or 3 ULTRA-high efficiency cars (think toyota echo et al) and then just do business as normal with the rest of their line. solves nothing. the hyperconsumers will keep buying SUVs anyway.