Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Baby Baby

Time for the abortion rant.

The so-called right to abortion was a fabrication of activist courts, when Roe v. Wade caused a lib supreme court to create a vague privacy right out of thin air.

If you want to talk constitutionality, the actual article that applies is the Equal Protection clause. Babies are people too, actually. In case anybody didn't know, science has proven it: A fetus is not some blob of tissue, but a living, feeling, heart-beating baby. Abortion is the barbaric practice of tearing that baby limb-from-limb out of it's mother's womb and tossing the remains in the trash.

OK, tell me all about how hard-hearted I am by ignoring the rights of women, being the insensitive male I am. No, don't say I don't understand - I understand completely. Pregnancies occur by mistake regularly, and can be incredibly inconvenient. These circumstances usually involve somebody who's made a mistake, and is unprepared financially or otherwise to birth, care for, and raise a child.

I heard someone say once during an abortion debate that most women would rather abort than give up a child for adoption. How can anybody who thinks about that for more than 2 seconds logically justify that choice? Here's the real choice for crisis pregnancy: have the child and give the best gift in the world to a young family who longs for that baby.

Of course, it sounds easier than it is. The embarrassment of letting friends and family know about a pregnancy, the likelihood that the boyfriend will run away faster than you can say "I'm pregnant", being in the middle of a challenging collegiate program or bidding for that job promotion, or possibly being disowned by unforgiving parents. It is all tough, I know.

But if that life growing inside is your little child, who is completely dependent on you and is already bonding to your voice, is important enough, there is a way. You can take a semester off and go live in a group home until the baby arrives. You can stay in school or at the job and plan a short vacation around the due date to give birth, then return immediately after recovery. You can live with friends or relatives who will gladly help in any way they can to make sure your child is healthy and well cared for. If all that fails, call me - I'll be happy to take your baby rather than see it aborted.

Recently I saw a story that pointed out that the vast majority of abortions in America are performed for racial minorities; particularly blacks. What a terribly racist system, supported by the libs who are supposed to be champions of minorities. Somebody needs to get the truth out about this, plus the lies being tossed around about "protecting the mother's health" to justify partial-birth abortion.

I hold no illusions of an overturn of the bad court decision anytime soon. But I was thinking about all the energy spent by the government under the Clintons around smoking. If the same energy was expended by national leaders in communicating the facts about abortion, alternatives to abortion, and promoting adoption, I believe it would be incredibly successful.

If we teach everyone about fetal development while removing all possible reasons women choose abortion today, there's a real chance we could nearly eliminate the practice in our lifetimes. I just hope we can find national leaders who are willing to take it on.

1 comment:

SuperP. said...

Agreed. While I personally think that there should still exist a legal option for women, if only to negate greed-oriented, sadistic butchers profiting from back-alley acts exploiting undereducated young girls, etc.. I wholeheartedly agree on making the facts widely, unmistakably, universally known. I went to an abortion clinic 7 months before I had my daughter and was described the facts: I walked out. I went back, the next week and walked out again. These facts were not used as coercion; they were presented as objectively as possible. Knowledge and Faith gave birth to Ophelia.