Friday, August 20, 2004

Rules for Living

It's Friday! How about some of my own life rules. Just be sure to note that these are rules I might try to live by, but don't necessarily always succeed.

Start with God's rules. 10 Commandments and Golden Rule especially

In a disagreement never be disagreeable

Instead of arguing, ask why the other person thinks that

To get what you want, find a way to help get others what they want

pray daily

read as much as possible

sing daily

be honest unless it hurts someone - then just be quiet

at parties or gatherings, pick out the person that's by him/her self and learn something

never forget that your kids learn from what you do, not what you say

study before making decisions

hate no one

ask for help; ask to help

listen carefully, ask questions, and listen again

find out what you like to do, then do it as well as possible

seek out the other side of the story

free advice is worth the price

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