Wednesday, May 06, 2009

When They Call Truth Lies and Lies Truth

Too many have fallen for the trick.

The serpent in Eden convinced Eve to break God's only rule through the cunning use of a small truth to divert her from the whole truth and ignore the consequences.

Such is the situation today. Millions of Americans have fallen for the serpent's tantalizing use of small truths taken out of context, giving the serpent absolute power over them without even realizing it before it's too late.

They've been told every day that:

Bush was a torturer

Bush lied to get us into the Iraq war simply to enrich his friends

Bush purposely withheld aid to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina because he wanted to wipe out poor black people

Conservatives who express opposition to Obama's policies are racist

Opponents of illegal immigration are racist

Opponents of gay marriage are bigots

Opponents of socialized medicine are heartless

Opponents of massive government spending are racist and heartless

Opponents of government takeover of the financial, automotive, and healthcare industries are greedy and selfish

People who are Pro-Life, members of the military, anti-illegal immigration, Christians, pro-second amendment, and Tea Party supporters are dangerous potential terrorists

Every one of these statements is a big lie. It's the path of smaller truths the serpent uses to get to that big lie that hoodwinks the ignorant.

For example, the serpent says that homosexuals are born that way; they live their lives the way they do simply because it's part of who they are as individuals. Therefore, anyone who denies them rights equal to heterosexual couples to marry and receive all the same recognition and benefits of a married couple is a bigot.

Whether or not anyone is born gay is debatable, but even if somehow that's acknowledged to be true, it certainly does not imply that those who oppose granting them special treatment and benefits are bigoted.

Everything else has a similar background, where the serpent used small truths to twist into a huge lie. Unfortunately, the gullible masses have yet to understand that the serpent is not campaigning for their benefit; rather, the serpent's agenda is absolute power over every person.

The serpent is making huge strides toward the ultimate goal, which is removing freedom from all citizens and forcing each and every person to turn away from God, but to worship and obey the serpent.

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