Sunday, October 01, 2006


Returned from a week-long trip to Canada, which seemed longer.

Dropped by the office after the Colt's game (a great game, by the way), just to take care of a couple of pressing items before the new week starts. I'm now very happy not to be traveling again this week, which actually was planned up until about a week ago when the client cancelled.

The piles on my desk have reached critical mass, and this week has to be dedicated to digging out of the hole created by what's been a crazy month. There's unopened mail, which I hope isn't anything terribly important. There are unreturned phone calls, most of which are probably too late to return anyway. Then there's just piles of administrative work that make me wish I could afford an assistant.

Did I mention that TV in Canada is terrible? They've got the basic US networks and CNN, and that's about it. Aside from my usual (and seemingly never-ending) evening online work, there wasn't much to do besides sleep. CNN is already in election mode, with almost every story designed to convey just how rotten Bush is. Doesn't anybody else get tired of that, over and over and over and over ...?

During the Colts' game this afternoon, they did a short ad for 60 Minutes. What do you know, here's the almost verbatim pitch:

"Is Bush lying to the American People about the Iraq war? Bob Woodward says he is. Tune in tonight to hear us trash Bush on another 60 Minutes."

OK, that last sentence wasn't verbatim. But it's close enough. What's that they say? Repeat a lie often enough and most people will begin to accept it as the truth? With the news dominated by crusading leftists who care more about influencing people than about reporting facts, as I've said before, our grand American experiment is over. The power-hungry left is taking charge, and before long the rest of us will just be hungry.


Anonymous said...

Maybe the reason taht Canadians think Bush is lying to the American people is because Bush IS lying to the American people.

Dan S. said...
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Dan S. said...


For one thing, I never said Canadians think Bush is lying. I just said their TV choices stink.

Sorry, anonymous, but if you can't think rationally and make a tiny effort to step back from this paranoia about Bush, I can't help you.

One more time. Bush isn't evil. Neither is he a saint. Agree or disagree with what he's doing, but consider for just a moment that there's no sinister agenda, but that he is actually doing what he thinks is in the best interest of the country.

I know, your blind hatred will not permit you to engage in rational thought. But at least you read me, so I have a faint hope that you'll try to set aside your emotions and use your brain for a few seconds.