It's stunningly easy if those who write the tax law aren't influenced by the obvious quid-pro-quo.
Going back to the law I feel most strongly about, but will never happen because it takes away their job security. It probably has to be a constitutional amendment. The law is simply this: No tax, and likewise no tax credit, deferral, deduction, or any other adjustment may be passed without every citizen being eligible. No tax exemptions for specific corporations, members of congress, or individuals. No targeted tax credits, exemptions, deferrals or deductions.
Taxes apply to everyone equally, likewise tax reductions are available to everyone who chooses to take advantage of them.
That takes care of the revenue side.
On the spending side, again it's easy.
Either shut down or reorganize these agencies into a small shadow of what they are today:
Reorganize and consolidate duplicative agencies.
Convert Commerce into a trade association with federal support, fully funded by its members' dues. Members of course would be any company that wants to export products and services.
Cancel anything called "Corporate Welfare". This is most easily accomplished by the first solution.
Stop funding Planned Parenthood and Public Broadcasting and all other unnecessary organizations that can continue to operate on their own as NFP's.
Cut federal salaries by 5 percent across the board. Maybe exempt those earning less than $40K, if there are such folks out there.
Convert all Federal Defined Benefit Pensions into 401Ks.
Restructure Medicare into a simple health insurance program with affordable premiums for seniors.
Take Medicaid away from the Federal Government entirely, because it's duplicative with State programs.
Repeal Obamacare, of course.
Open American oil and natural gas resources to American energy companies through auctions. Use tax incentives to help make sure most of those resources stay at home to meet domestic demand instead of being sold on the world market.
Remove all the uncertainty in government tax and regulatory policy, giving American companies the confidence to move forward with their plans without holding back for fear of unpredictable costs of Obamacare, taxes, and arbitrary federal regulation.
Gradually move Social Security from a welfare program to an actual retirement and insurance program, where every citizen has an individual cash-value account. Those who live their working lives on welfare won't have a retirement account, and can either rely on family or care in a modest group home or nursing home subsidized by the State, not the Feds.
Put some teeth into trade policies. Any country that wants to sell their goods in America must give equal access to their own market to American goods in return and must demonstrate reasonable control over theft of American inventions, art, and intellectual property.
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