Wednesday, April 22, 2009


It's interesting to track the irony.

Democrats campaigned on the promise they would be scandal-free, ethical, and transparent. Obama promised to end earmarks.

So, how are they doing?

There's a great and growing list of reports of corruption. Pelosi, Reid, Feinstein, Murtha, Harman, Biden, and others have all been tied to various corrupt influences to benefit themselves, family, supporters, or close associates. Interestingly, each Democrat's response when they get tied to corruption is not the Republican trend of resigning in disgrace, but fiercely denying everything and blaming some faceless conservative conspiracy.

Is the party powerful enough to squash all investigation and prosecution? So far it would seem so. But they're eager to prosecute all Republicans for the sin of disagreeing with them on policy. It almost seems dangerous to be a former member of the Bush Administration, who all are now at risk of prosecution and imprisonment. The former White House butler and mailroom guy might find themselves locked up before they even realize what happened.

Obama's promise to end earmarks got turned on its ear with the last spending bill - 9,000 of them, give or take. And he didn't even blink.

As far as transparency, it turns out Obama meant transparency only for selected classified documents that might shed a poor light on the Bush administration. Most of his own activities seem to be highly secretive, unless somebody leaks.

Speaking of leaked documents, perhaps the most ironic is the one about Janet Napolitano's plan to implement suveillance on possible domestic terrorists drips with irony.

Remember during the Bush years, when all sorts of left-wing activists, college professors, and fellow travelers were outraged at what they called illegal spying on US Citizens without a warrant? I recall hearing various professors railing on the TV news programs about their absolute certainty that the evil Bush was spying on them solely because of their political views.

Perhaps those same folks figure turnabout is fair play. Despite the fact they had not a shred of evidence for their paranoia, they are universally silent on the new domestic terrorist surveillance. I guess they don't have a problem with warrantless wiretaps when it comes to people who are pro-life, Christian fundamentalists, Catholics and evangelicals, ex-military, NRA members, anti-illegal immigration, Ron Paul supporters, Constitutionalists, or Libertarians.

This time there is actual evidence, although so far nobody's been arrested in any of those groups, at least as far as I know.

Please write to me or visit me when I'm in prison. Wait, that's not the right term; Oh yes, Re-Education Camp.

Think they'll waterboard me?

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