Saturday, October 11, 2008


I wonder if some lemmings don't really want to jump off the cliff, but have no choice. Could it be they have to join the rest of the lemmings simply because they'll be trampled if they try to leave the mob?

The American lemmings are already jumping off the cliff. Those of us who watch it happen are powerless to stop it, so we go over the cliff with everyone else simply because we have no other choice.

The financial crash we're experiencing now has no parallel since the 1929 crash, which led to the Great Depression. The house of cards built over the past 30 years finally fell down under the weight of Fannie and Freddie.

Our two Presidential candidates presumably wish to don the mantle of FDR, who created an alphabet soup of socialist agencies and entitlement programs. Many Americans revered him for "saving" them by giving them subsistence level jobs.

There's Bad - John McCain, who is so tone-deaf that he proposed more bailouts to a nation fed up with the idea that the taxpayers have to bail out the criminals who caused the problems and got rich in the process. In the last debate, he seemed to be trying to out-Democrat the Democrat. He seemed completely out of touch with the mood of the people and completely lacking any ability to concisely define the problem or propose any innovative solutions.

Then there's Worse - Barack Obama, who offers nothing but rhetoric suggesting Bush is the Herbert Hoover of our age and McCain is simply another Bush. McCain's plan may have been a bad one, but Obama doesn't even offer one. Worst of all, this approach has worked wonders for his campaign - polls suggest he's going to win the election running away.

At such a critical time, to have Dumb and Dumber running for President and Dumber winning ..., well, back to the lemmings analogy.

The cliff we're running over is the loss of America. Obama (aka Dumber) will gladly abdicate our soverignty to the New World Order, a globalist socialist government that will make the freedoms we have long cherished in the United States of America a thing of the past.

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