Monday, September 10, 2007

Absolute Disgust

My disgust is aimed squarely at the Democrats who choose politics over common sense and civility in the Petraeus hearings today. The behavior of some of them in their posturing and disrespect in calling the General everything from a liar to a Bush hack was outrageous.

They've been clear from the beginning that no matter what General Petraeus has to say this week, they will accept nothing but immediate abandonment of Iraq. The consequences of their loudly trumpeted demands for surrender matter not at all to them.

As one who pays attention, I've no doubt that whether we like it or not, we've got to finish the job. Whether we should have invaded and ousted Saddam is not today's argument. Today's argument instead is about Iraq's future, the future of the Middle East, and the future of Islamic terror.

Surrender creates a certain vacuum in Iraq that Iran and Syria will move quickly to fill. Any Iraqis not in league with the Iranians will be dead. Israel will become the next target of the new powerful Iranian regime, and the same characters believe firmly that continued terrorism against American citizens has been proven to cow America into staying out of their way.

It is saddened that elected representatives in congress are really and truly American traitors. Did anybody notice that Bin Laden's latest video sounds just exactly like the rhetoric of our political left? Haven't the Democrats who continue to undermine the effort in Iraq noticed that that they are being cheered on by our country's enemies?

People need to figure out which politicians have our country's best interests at heart and which only care about their own.


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