Monday, July 17, 2006


My 2 week exile is underway. Just finished in DC with a day that went 8-8, and now here I am writing a blog entry for reasons I can't quite fathom. Maybe because I usually go 8-9 and feel like I have to do something with the extra hour.

Tomorrow an early-morning flight to Seattle. And I actually look forward to it a bit, because I don't have to do any actual work, and nobody will be able to reach me because the airlines make you turn off your cellphones during flight. Hopefully my upgrade went through and I can sit back in first class with a good book to pass the time.

Not that anybody cares, but the rest of my exile is a return flight to DC next weekend with the same trip back to Seattle again same time, next week. If I'm lucky, the exile will end before August rolls around.

This post was going to have a bit more, but I just got a big reminder from somewhere behind my navel that it's time to stop messing around and get some food.

1 comment:

N said...

haha addiction has set in. welcome to BA.